Servicio de ensamblaje de PCB Placa Miraclepwb con prueba electrónica al 100%
2020-06-02Servicio de ensamblaje de PCB todo en uno Tablero Miraclepwb con 100% E-test 2020
Podemos proporcionarle 1 unidad para montar placas de circuito impreso. Para la operación regular a largo plazo, además de ayudarlo a clasificar pedidos y piezas (componentes ampliamente utilizados en nuestro almacén) y completar.
La amplia tecnología de montaje nos permite realizar un placa de circuito impreso de de casi cualquier complejidad.
El soporte técnico y la consulta de nuestros expertos es un conjunto de servicios que estamos listos para brindar a cualquier experto en pedidos.
You can pass on to us the order of their organization and time cost, and in the development of a single account “product” in Banliu, which includes the production of printed circuit boards, packaging and installation.
All of this allows you to apply and receive orders without leaving the office. As an intermediary, we provide each customer with interesting and favorable working conditions.
Our equipment allows you to perform:
Los componentes SMD con dimensiones de 0201 a 50x50 mm se instalan automáticamente.
Instale manualmente componentes SMD;
Conjunto de pasador de montaje;
Instalación mixta de componentes SMD y pin;
Utilizado para la instalación de tableros rígidos y flexibles;
Instalado en la trompeta de placa de aluminio;
Instalación de placa de microondas;
Utilice materiales que no se lavan para la instalación (evite lavar).
Además, ejecutamos:
Haga una plantilla para aplicar pasta de soldadura;
Limpie los residuos de fundente en la placa después de la instalación (con o sin ultrasonido);
Revestimiento a prueba de humedad;
Inspección por rayos X de uniones soldadas;
Tablero de control AOI.
En el proceso de producción, se utilizan los siguientes materiales:
Solder paste indium NC-SMQ92H;
Henkel X3312i manual flux;
The washing liquid “Ultraklin” produced by JSC “Dipol-Technology”;
Moisture-proof coating Cramolin urethane, Cramolin plastic, DowCorning DC-1-2577.
- technical skills
- Requerimientos de diseño
- Price, terms, delivery
- How to place an order and install
- How to order molds
- quality
- device
habilidades técnicas de pcb
Three SMD installation lines (MY100-2 line, MY9-1 line) based on the Mycronic high-precision automatic installation program enable you to install most of the existing components (chip, BGA, QFP, SOP, SOJ, PLCC, FlipChip) And components with 0.1mm ball end step, up to 50 x 50 mm BGA chip. According to IPC 9850, the repeatability of component installation is 45 microns per 3 sigma. The orientation accuracy of the component is 0.05 degrees
La línea de producción incluye el horno túnel transportador de siete zonas de Heller con convección forzada y control de temperatura en todas las áreas y en las áreas superior e inferior. Los hornos Heller le permiten alcanzar el perfil de reflujo recomendado por el fabricante del material.
Requerimientos de diseño
1. Requisitos generales para medidores y placas de circuito impreso.
1.1. La trompeta de placa impresa preferida tiene componentes SMD en un lado.
1.2. Al colocar componentes en una placa de circuito impreso, se recomienda colocar componentes más grandes en un lado (microcircuitos, transistores en envolventes DPAK, condensadores electrolíticos, bobinas grandes, optoacopladores, etc.).
1.3. Se requiere máscara de soldadura en la placa de circuito impreso.
1.4. Debe haber una máscara de soldadura entre los terminales del microcircuito (excepto cuando el espacio entre los terminales es menor que el ancho mínimo de la máscara).
1.5. No debe haber aberturas en las almohadillas de los pines SMD. Todas las aberturas cercanas al sitio deben cubrirse con máscaras. Esto se hace para evitar que la soldadura salga del orificio.
1.6. There should be no vias or conductors not covered by solder resist under the SMD assembly.
1.7. All jumpers between the pads under the SMD microcircuit should be outside the solder area.
1.8. The same conclusion pads for non-output microcircuits (for example, in QFN and details) should be the same.
It is impossible to build different platforms for the same conclusion.
1.9. The marking shall not cross this area and shall be located in the welding area.
1.10. Cards used for SMD mounting and printed circuit boards must meet the requirements in Section 2.
2. Requirements for automatically installed printed circuit boards.
2.1. The printed circuit board must be rectangular in size.
2.2. If the PCB is not rectangular, then it should be in the frame. Framework is the technical field
Simplified the process of installing printed circuit boards in printers, automata, and reflow ovens.
The frame lead turns the template s into a rectangle.
2.3. The width of the technical field is 5 mm. Marked in the corner.
2.4. Los componentes de la placa de circuito impreso se colocan en la placa de borde de menos de 7 mm. El campo técnico debe estar equipado al menos en el lado que viole la “regla de los 7 mm”.
2.5. El tamaño de la placa de circuito impreso es inferior a 100 * 100 mm. Debe recogerse en el panel.
2.6. El tamaño de la placa de circuito impreso es superior a 100 × 100 mm. También quiero estar integrado en el panel.
2.7. El tamaño máximo del panel es 200 * 255 mm. (En circunstancias especiales, se pueden hacer más cosas, pero se debe llegar a un acuerdo con nosotros)
. 2.8. Las ventas de placas de circuito impreso superaron las 100 piezas. Debe estar integrado en el panel para que su tamaño se acerque al máximo.
2.9. On each board, e (even in the preform), it is desirable that the reference points (hereinafter referred to as RH) are arranged diagonally to each other on the diagonal printed circuit board s at the maximum distance, but when flipping the board s at the 180° position At this time, at least 2 RH should be overlapped. Mm (on one of the axes).
2.10. If it is impossible to make the internal RE board trumpet they are placed in the technical field.
2.11. Design of reference signs. There are two types of reference marks: round and square. The circle diagram is shown below. Squares are made in the same way, but instead of inner circles, squares with sides of 1-2 mm are made.
Panelization (or multiplexing) makes the processability of printed circuit boards higher. Significantly reduces the time required to clean the solder paste and install the board in the installer. Through cleaning, Panelize improves the cleaning effect, because it can correctly fix the cleaning effect of the printed circuit board without reducing the performance.
The panel in the printed circuit board assembled in STP.PAUR.07-2015 is given in the regular circuit board for forming the printed panel.
3. Full set of automatic installation requirements.
3.1. Components should be placed in factory packaging (molds (pallets), sticks (tubes), tape).
3.2. Bulk components are not allowed.
3.3. Do not cut the tape into small pieces.
3.4. Adhesive tape, tape winding and stapler staples are not allowed. These foreign objects can cause damage to the moving parts of the installer.
3.5. Except for expensive parts, the deposit of all parts should be 3% of the required quantity, but not less than 10 pieces.
3.6. Except for expensive and rare components, the minimum tape length of all tapes:
For components in tape, in increments of 2 mm. (For example, chip 0402, where there are two components between two perforations), the minimum length of the tape is 50 pieces;
For components in tape, in increments of 4 mm. (For example, chips 0603, 0805, there is only one component in each perforation), the minimum tape length is 25.
3.7. If the name of the component is different from the name specified in the specification, it should be accompanied by information about correct replacement. In any form of notes, the only requirement is that the information should be clear, referring to the customer, order, component, and date. For the benefit of chicks and performers, execute this paragraph.
About the cost of installing printed circuit boards
According to the design document purchase order, the number of printed circuit boards to be distributed, and the structure and technical characteristics of the printed circuit boards and components, the price of the printed circuit board to install the components is calculated according to the distribution amount.
The main factors affecting the installation cost:
La placa de circuito impreso de and configuration meet the design requirements (reducing installation costs);
Reference marks exist during automatic installation of SMD components (reduced installation costs);
The existence of the template and the application of solder paste (reduced installation costs);
Double-sided or double-sided installation of printed circuit boards (double-sided installation is cheaper);
Main order or repeat order (installation cost of the following repeat custom goods);
The area of the placa de circuito impreso de (the cost from the square board depends on cleaning, moisture-proof and packaging);
Manual welding of SMD components (cost is higher than automatic installation).
Our manager will help you determine the exact cost of installation and other services. The prerequisite for calculating the cost is to fill in the installation request.
The application form is located in the “How to Place an Order to Install” section.
delivery time
Due to the fact that the exact date order of execution and depends on many factors, they are not always easy to determine.
Main factors affecting installation time:
Whether there are all the components ordered (some missing components usually increase the installation time of the printed circuit board);
Whether the placa de circuito impreso de and configuration meet the design requirements (reduced installation time);
Installation on the machine or manual installation (automatic installation reduces installation time);
The presence of automatic installation reference marks (reduced installation time);
The order of the timeliness board S” and the printed circuit board of the component (after the 100% fee before the start of installation);
Loading production line;
The complexity of output control.
Experience shows that when ordering the installation of 1 to 500 medium-complexity printed circuit boards, under normal production line loading, the delivery time of order a does not exceed 2 weeks.
With a larger number of orders, and may be issued in part, it is convenient for you.
In Russia, the product is delivered to the destination agreed by the buyer, and the freight is paid by the buyer.
The limited liability company “Sant” signs a transportation expedition contract with the freight company selected under normal circumstances.
Deliver a batch of products to the destination specified in the “Delivery” line requested by the buyer.
If the buyer does not agree with the proposed delivery terms, he has the right to enter into an agreement with another freight company or pick up the goods on his behalf. In addition, all costs and risks associated with this transportation are borne by the buyer. Sant LLC’s obligation to transfer a batch of products to the buyer is deemed fulfilled when the transshipment company ships the batch of products, or directly transfers the batch of products to the buyer at the supplier’s location (collection).