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Warum empfiehlt der Hersteller von mcpcb eine Metallkernplatine?


Eine ultimative Anleitung, um die grundlegendsten Konzepte für Metallkernplatinen auf Aluminiumbasis zu verstehen


mcpcb manufacturer

 In diesem Artikel werden wir im Detail diskutieren , wie sie mcpcb hersteller  entwickeln  eine Aluminium - Schaltung bedrucktes Bord?  Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Artikel der Herstellungsprozess dieser Leiterplatten und die Anwendung dieser Leiterplatten vorgestellt.


Was ist MCPCB?

Nach Angaben des mcpcb hersteller, Metal Core PCB is a general term for all printed circuit boards with a layer of metal alloy for heat dissipation and heat conduction. There are two most common materials:

  1. One is aluminum with relatively ordinary heat conduction and heat dissipation performance but relatively low cost
  2. The other is copper with excellent heat conduction and heat dissipation characteristics but relatively high cost.
The application of metal heat dissipation substrates can be divided into two categories :
  1. industrial products
  2. consumer products

The emergence of the aluminum substrate (MCPCB) is not a recent event. As early as decades ago, this product has been widely used by mcpcb hersteller in

  • High-current, high-voltage heavy electromechanical equipment
  • Medizinische Ausrüstung
  • Militärische Produkte
  • Netzteile
  • Gleichrichter oder Transformatoren sind ziemlich ausgereifte Technologien.

Verbrauch des mcpcb-Herstellers in der LED-Industrie

mcpcb manufacturers and suppliers

In den letzten Jahren hat der mcpcb hersteller  sehr logische Trends in der Elektronikindustrie gesetzt. Es gibt hauptsächlich zwei Gründe für seine Beliebtheit:

  • Die Miniaturisierung elektronischer Geräte
  • Der Marktentwicklungstrend bei Hochleistungs-LEDs, Aluminiumsubstraten, die eine bessere Wärmeableitungsleistung aufweisen als herkömmliche FR-4-Schaltungen

 Diese neuen Produkte werden hauptsächlich in LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung, LED-Beleuchtung, Automobilsubstraten usw. verwendet. Darüber hinaus hängt die erfolgreiche Verwendung dieser Produkte hauptsächlich von der Auswahl der richtigen Isolierprodukte mit hoher Wärmeleitfähigkeit ab.

Welches Material mcpcb Hersteller verwendet in Metalcore-PCB?

Das für den Aluminiumkern verwendete Material (Metal Core PCB, MCPCB) wird als Insulated Metal Substrate, IMS bezeichnet. Ein mcpcb hersteller  gibt seine strukturelle Zusammensetzung aus drei Materialien an:

  1. Die oberste Schicht ist Kupferfolie
  2. Die mittlere Schicht ist eine Wärmedämmschicht, auch als dielektrische Schicht bekannt
  3. Die untere Schicht ist eine Metallplatte, normalerweise Aluminium oder Kupferplatte. Daher weist der Unterschied zwischen der Verwendung von Aluminium oder Kupfer, dem Metallkühlkörpersubstrat, auch ein genaueres Namensaluminiumsubstrat oder Kupfersubstrat auf.


Was sind Aluminium-Leiterplatten und in welcher Beziehung stehen sie zu MCPCBS?


Conceptually, the metal core board is just like its name. Similarly, the metal sheet is embedded in the PCB dielectric layer and sandwiched between several layers of circuits. The metal core PCB usually has blind hole layers on both sides of the metal core substrate, and there will also be plated through holes (PTH) through the entire circuit board.

 From an mcpcb hersteller perspective, it is important to isolate the metal from the vias. Otherwise , the board will be completely shorted. 

Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, ist beim Bohren von Löchern in den Metallkern der Lochdurchmesser 40 mil ~ 50 mil größer als das plattierte Durchgangsloch. Und dann wird es mit nichtleitendem Epoxidfüllstoff gefüllt und dann gepresst. Nach dem Laminieren wird die Füllstoffmischung von der Metalloberfläche entfernt und kann dann auf den Kern der inneren Schicht laminiert werden.

Nach der Laminierung mcpcb hersteller  PTH-Löcher und verarbeitet sie gemäß dem normalen  Leiterplatten .

Gleichzeitig variieren die in tatsächlichen elektronischen Produkten verwendeten Leiterplatten stark, und es gibt unterschiedliche Klassifizierungen nach verschiedenen Standard-Leiterplatten.

Warum empfiehlt der Hersteller von mcpcb eine Metallkernplatine?


Heat dissipation is one of the reasons for using this kind of PCB, and another reason is to help reduce vibration. So that components will not fall from the PCB in high vibration applications.

Recommended metal core board design factors that need to be considered:

1.Core material

The core material can be any pcb raw material. Metalcore board made of polyimide, FR-4 or high thermal conductivity material.

What materials are used in mcpc from the perspective of electrical or thermal management ?

  1. Metalcore material

Copper 110 metalcore or aluminum 6061T6 metal core is usually used. Moreover, in metal core board applications, the design using copper metal core and the design using aluminum metal core are almost the same in number.

3, Metalcore drilling

Whether it is a plated through-hole from the top layer to the bottom layer, or a non-plated through hole from the top layer to the bottom layer, the drilling on the metal core board is larger than the drilling pattern on the PCB. Occasionally, mcpcb hersteller should not leave gaps in the mounting holes or ground holes in the metalcore.

mcpcb manufacturer explains the the role of insulation

4.Insulation / filler

The role of the insulation / filler material is to insulate the PTH from the metal core so that the entire pcb will not be shorted.  Similarly, the filler is initially in the form of a powder, is applied to the surface and holes, and is then laminated in a multi-layer laminator. This is a very critical process.

Der Füllstoff darf keine Hohlräume aufweisen. Andernfalls dringen beim Bohren von Durchgangslöchern Chemikalien in den Metallkern zurück und verursachen einen Kurzschluss. Schleifen Sie dann die Oberfläche des Metallkerns mit Schleifpapier, um überschüssigen Füllstoff von der Oberfläche zu entfernen. Der Füllstoff ist eine keramische Epoxidharzmischung.


Der Stapel sollte symmetrisch sein, dh. mcpcb hersteller halten. Darüber hinaus ist auch das Kupfergewicht zwischen allen Schichten vorzugsweise symmetrisch, ähnlich wie bei gewöhnlichen mehrschichtigen Leiterplatten.

Asymmetrie kann Probleme mit übermäßigem Verziehen verursachen. Im Allgemeinen sind die üblichen IPC-Warping-Standards für diesen PCB-Typ nicht geeignet.

6. Fräsen

Most metal-core printed boards are subjected to various milling, resulting in exposure of the metal core layer.

7.Exposing the surface coating on the metal core

For aluminum metal cores, a chromate conversion coating is recommended. Furthermore, for copper metal cores, a minimum of 50 micro inches of nickel plating is recommended.


Advantages of aluminum-based mcpcb circuit board

Aluminum-based PCB circuit board is the most common board in metal pcb board. It is composed of an aluminum core with standard FR-4. In short, mcpcb hersteller makes it with copper foil, insulation layer, and metalcore.

Because the aluminum-based pcb board has a heat dissipation layer, it has a good heat dissipation function, which can effectively reduce the operating temperature of the components and extend the service life of the product.


Advantages of aluminum-based pcb circuit board compared with traditional FR-4 board:

aluminum PCBs

  1. Good thermal conductivity.The metal layer of the aluminum-based pcb board can quickly dissipate heat, transfer the heat of the device, reduce the thermal resistance to a minimum, and have good thermal conductivity.
  2. More environmentally friendly. The aluminum-based pcb board does not carry substances harmful to human health and the environment and is more environmentally friendly than the FR-4 board.
  3. High durability.For mcpcb hersteller, FR-4 board may be warped, bent, cracked, etc. during production and transportation; ceramic substrates are also more fragile. The aluminum-based pcb circuit board makes up for the shortcomings of the FR-4 board and the ceramic substrate, and has a longer durability, avoiding board cracks caused during production and transportation.


  1. Higher performance.The circuit layer of the aluminum-based pcb board is formed by etching. Compared with the traditional FR-4 board, under the same line width and thickness, the current carried by the aluminum substrate is higher than that of the FR-4 board.

Warum mcpcb manufacturer is an ideal choice for led related products?

At present, the most compact aluminum substrate application is in the LED of consumer products. Because of the heat dissipation of LED, it is seeking more attention from mcpcb hersteller. Not only that, but the junction temperature is also related to energy consumption is directly related.

According to Cree’s experiments, if the temperature can be maintained at 65 degrees C, the time for the light to decay to 70% is 100,000 hours. This is how amazing the service life is.

Many experiments prove that the reason why LEDs generate heat is that not all the added electrical energy is converted into light energy, but a part of it is converted into heat energy.


Features and advantages of the aluminum substrate (MCPCB)

  • Using surface adhesive technology (SMT)
  • In printed circuit boards, the heat treatment efficiency of heat conduction and heat dissipation is very good
  • Through high-efficiency heat conduction and heat dissipation, the reliability and life of the product can be improved
  • Can replace the ceramic substrate to provide better mechanical durability
  • By improving performance and reducing product volume, effectively reduce hardware and assembly costs.

Mcpcb manufacturer prefer it because the thermal conductivity and heat dissipation capacity of the aluminum substrate is better than the general metal substrate. Furthermore, the heat dissipation PCB using the aluminum substrate as the printed circuit board substrate material can have better thermal conductivity, electrical insulation performance and mechanical processing performance.

Description of copper substrate

Because the thermal conductivity and heat dissipation of the copper substrate are better than that of the general metal substrate. But in the general printed circuit board manufacturing, mcpcb hersteller uses only copper foil as the substrate material.

Moreover, the copper substrate is used as the printed circuit board substrate. The material’s heat dissipation PCB can have better thermal conductivity, electrical insulation performance and mechanical processing performance. Similarly, t can also strengthen LED products and solve heat dissipation problems that customers worry about

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Since mcpcbs are far good in performance, these pcbs are becoming no1 choice for mcpcb manufacturers.

The good heat dissipation, insulation, and durability of the aluminum-based pcb circuit board lays down its important position in power hybrid ICs. Furthermore, aluminum substrates are widely used in industries such as LED energy-saving lamps, driving devices for automobiles, computers, audio equipment, and power systems.

From the perspective of metal core PCB or MCPCB, aluminum PCB is one of the most popular and commonly used MCPCB. The specialty of MCBPC lies in the ability to provide efficient heat dissipation for electronic products.

The aluminum printed circuit board is composed of a standard aluminum inner core FR4. The main feature of the aluminum PCB is its thermal coating, which effectively dissipates heat. This feature can cool components and improve the overall performance of the product. Aluminum-supported PCBs are the first choice for high-power applications with tight tolerances. To hire market leading mcpcb hersteller you can contact here.

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