Casa/ Blog/ ¿Cómo convertir sus habilidades de fabricante de PCB flexibles de cero a héroe?

¿Cómo convertir sus habilidades de fabricante de PCB flexibles de cero a héroe?


Una guía definitiva para comprender la diferencia entre placas de circuito impreso rígidas y flexibles

flexible pcb manufacturers

Los fabricantes de PCB flexibles vienen a la mente  when you hear the word flexible board. The thought which came first into your mind must be “a board. Which is flexible and have bending properties? But there are many doubts and confusions about it. In addition, many thoughts come into your mind.

Por ejemplo:

  1. ¿En qué tipo de situación lo usas?
  2. ¿Toma alguna precaución al usarlo?

Introducción-fabricantes de PCB flexibles

In this article, we will completely guide you about flexible boards. We will also give you the complete info about the features of flexible boards. For those who are not aware of what flexible boards actually are.

Moreover, we will also explain the features of rigid boards as opposed to “normal printed boards”. And will provide you many instructions and precautions in order to use them.

flexible pcb board History

The history of flexible printed wiring boards is shorter in comparison of rigid printed wiring boards. And it appeared in the 1960s in the United States. They made it as a lightweight and highly reliable printed wiring board. They actually had made it for use in the aviation and aerospace industries.

Nowadays it has been used in almost all mobile devices like:

  • Smartphones
  • wearable computers

Su ventaja es que es muy fina y ligera.

 ¿Qué es una tabla flexible según la definición científica?

La clasificación de las placas de circuito impreso según la dureza del material es la siguiente.

  • Tablero rígido
  • Tablero flexible (tablero FPC)
  • Tablero rígido flexible

¿Qué es la tabla rígida? Explicación de los fabricantes de PCB flexibles

La tabla rígida es como la de la foto de arriba. Aunque los fabricantes de PCB flexibles  hacen con varios materiales, es una placa rígida. Es un sustrato que ves a menudo. Hay muchos componentes electrónicos a bordo. ¿Cuál ha sido conectado por cableado?

Además, hay una tabla llamada tabla rígida flexible. Y combina una tabla rígida y una tabla flexible.

Como material del sustrato flexible, los fabricantes utilizan una película de plástico como la poliimida. Y como sugiere el nombre, es muy flexible. Los fabricantes de PCB flexibles  pueden doblarlo fácilmente. Por lo tanto, a menudo se usa para partes móviles como bisagras de dispositivos electrónicos.

flexible pcb manufacturers in China

¿Le sorprende ver dispositivos que no tienen nada que ver con cables diseñados por fabricantes de PCB flexibles? ?


  • pantallas para ordenadores personales
  • diccionarios electrónicos

Me preguntaba cuándo no tengo conocimiento sobre tableros flexibles. Pero un día, cuando rompí el diccionario electrónico, algo como una pizarra marrón salió de las bisagras. Y por primera vez, "recuerdo que me sorprendió".

Características supremas de la placa flexible diseñada por fabricantes de PCB flexibles

(1) Suave

Esto es como escribí desde el principio. Utilizando su flexibilidad, también se utiliza en los siguientes dispositivos:

  • bisagras de computadora
  • cabezales de impresora
  • HDD (unidades de disco duro).

(2) Luz

Dado que el material es una película delgada. Por tanto, los  fabricantes de PCB flexibles pueden desarrollarlo mucho más ligero que un sustrato rígido. Sus ventajas se utilizan en industrias como:

  • Automóviles
  • Aviación
  • espacio

 (3) El precio es alto

Sin embargo, es más caro que el tablero rígido. En realidad, las placas flexibles se habían utilizado a menudo como cableado sin componentes expandibles. Hay muchos casos en los que no es comparable a los precios de las placas rígidas, pero los fabricantes de PCB flexibles  piensan que “las placas flexibles son caras”.

¿Cuántos puntos hay que tener en cuenta al utilizar una pizarra flexible?

En realidad, hay dos puntos principales a tener en cuenta al utilizar una pizarra flexible.

  • Resistencia a la flexión
  • Montaje de componentes

Resistencia a la flexión

El mayor propósito de usar una base flexible es doblarla. Pero no es necesario doblarlo muchas veces. Los cambios de resistencia a la flexión dependen del diseño, así como de fabricantes de PCB flexibles .

El fabricante cree que un patrón suave con el menor número posible de esquinas es bueno.

Montaje de componentes

Dado que, los sustratos flexibles son películas delgadas y mecánicamente débiles. Por lo tanto, una placa llamada placa de refuerzo a menudo se coloca debajo de los componentes electrónicos.

flexible pcb manufacturers Suppliers

The main characteristics of this board made are thinness and softness. Even if flexible pcb manufacturers bends but its electrical characteristics do not change. It has the advantage that it can display its performance. It uses a base film. This is a thin-film insulator. And it has an adhesive layer and conductor foil laminated on top of it?

Flexible pcb characterristics

Flexible bases are characterized by their shape and usage. It is a base with a high degree of freedom. Because it can be bent due to its thinness and softness. And these are its main features.

Moreover, since the electrical characteristics do not change even when bent. So, it has the advantage of maximizing the characteristics. Using this feature, flexible pcb manufacturers explain that it is used as a connecting cable that connects the following:

  • moving parts
  • bent parts
  • between boards and units

That is required to be thin and lightweight.

As well-known examples, it is also used in many devices like:

  • keyboards
  • calculators
  • LCD monitors
  • Printer heads.

Moreover, it is almost always used for moving parts such as:

  • foldable mobile phones
  • three-dimensional circuits

And three-dimensional circuits such as camera lens parts. This base is widely used in space development and air aviation. Because there is a special need for weight loss.

The structure of flexible board recommended by flexible pcb manufacturers

There are basically two main types of structure of flexible board.

  1. Single-sided structure
  2. Double-sided structure
  3. Flex rigid structure
  4. Multilayer flexible substrate (FPC) structure
  5. Single-sided structure

It is mainly used in places with a lot of movements. Its special feature is that it is specific in the following methods like:

  • thinness
  • flexibility
  • lightness

Similarly, it can also be used in narrow spaces where it is difficult to realize. Of course, it has high durability and manufacturers can use it without problems even when they fold and move it a lot.

  1. Double-sided structure

Los fabricantes de PCB flexibles use it when they want to enhance functionality. The feature is that it is also suitable for high density. And it can also improve the degree of freedom of design. And improve also the function when you want to make more complicated circuits such as cross wiring.

However, unlike the one-sided structure, the movable durability is reduced.

How flexible board is different from rigid board?

Flexible and rigid boards have similar basic processing processes. And in which copper foil of copper clad laminate is chemically engraved to form a circuit. The through hole structure comes in the same way.

The main difference in the arrangements and processing procedure is the protection of the circuit surface. Rigid boards are typically printed with solder masks. However, fabricantes de PCB flexibles layer flexible boards with a plastic film called a Coverley.

How flexible pcb manufacturers use flexible board?

The manufacturers use flexible board as a connection cable. And it connects between boards and units. After connecting between boards, between units, etc., it is possible to differentiate between two types of wiring methods. And it depends on the application.
It is divided into “fixed wiring” that does not move after connecting to equipment. And “movable wiring” that repeatedly bends such as the hinge of a mobile phone.

  1. Flex rigid structure

This structure includes a rigid board into a flexible board (FPC). Los fabricantes de PCB flexibles use a sandwich structure. And in which a flexible substrate (FPC) in the middle layer is sandwiched between rigid substrate materials in the front layer (front and back).
It is defined in that the rigid part has the same mechanical strength as the rigid board. In short, it is a product that combines the two:

  • a rigid board
  • a flexible board (FPC)

This enables connector that hassles and three-dimensional wires.

  1. Multilayer flexible substrate (FPC) structure

Multilayer flexible board (FPC) is a product in which all layers are made of flexible material. This structure has an advantage in the following manners like:

  • Lightness
  • thinness
  • high density.

Los fabricantes de PCB flexibles explain that It also has excellent heat resistance. Because it has the same material composition. It has contributed to the downsizing and high functionality of

  • teléfonos móviles
  • Digital cameras, etc.

And it is also used in various fields of equipment.

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