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What is oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB?


Introduction of Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB

Defect-free Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB is a matter of correct product quality management. Product quality requirements should define every action at every stage of the production chain.

The article will focus on the quality management strategy in the implementation of the preparation for the production of printed circuit boards.

The main goal of pre-production is to complete the customization of the Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB order. Furthermore, it is for production as soon as possible. Also, the quality itself (practically up to 80%) and the timing of printed circuit board’s production depend on the level of work come at the stage of production preparation.

oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB

Greatest attention to organizing the preparation

That is why we pay the greatest attention to organizing the preparation of printed circuit boards production. And the focusing on the methodical exclusion of any possibility of any inconsistencies in the documentation. It is obvious that after the launch of the order in production there is no time left for their analysis.

The development of the Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB in recent years has also affected the production preparation system.  Also, Certain changes came in the integrated management of the preparation of the production of printed circuit boards.

Representatives of different departments with a common goal

Currently, a group of employees – representatives of different departments with a common goal: the most accurate definition of all consumer requirements and communication of information to each contractor involved in production.

The scheme of interaction of departments of the enterprise at the stage of preparation of Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB production

Rice. 1. Scheme of interaction of departments of the enterprise at the stage of preparation of PP production

The task of the marketing department is to receive orders, register, process them for the first time, agree on prices, terms to produce printed circuit boards, and draw up contracts for the supply of products.

Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB Production

Directly in the production preparation department, the files are checked for sufficiency. And the completeness of the customer’s documentation is checked. The possibility of meeting the requirements of the customer’s documentation is monitored, and technical issues are resolved with the customer if necessary.

Production preparation specialists prepare Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB and order files for production in accordance with the technical capabilities of the equipment complex available.

For the convenience of work, the technical capabilities are set out in the form of an internal document –

Catalog of production”, which contains the following sections:

  1. requirements for the selection of the dimensions of the pcb and the placement of boards on the pcb
  2. Similarly, requirements for the placement of bases on the pcb
  3. requirements for the design of printed circuit boards
  4. Moreover, requirements for the design of a file for exposing a protective solder mask
  5. requirements for the design of the file for marking the positional designations of the components of printed circuit boards
  6. Also, requirements for the design of a file for applying a conductive carbon coating;

Tolerances for the machining of printed circuit boards, etc.

The presence of this document, developed considering the requirements of international standards, allows you to reduce the number of product inconsistencies that arise during the preparation of production and reveal, as a rule, already in the production process.

To help specialists in the preparation of production, has developed and implemented a system for automating the preparation of production of printed circuit boards, with the help of which it is convenient to track changes on each printed circuit board.

Track changes in the program, the following reflect:

  • the main parameters of the board for each specific change number
  • document-basis for the change
  • information on the types of mechanical processing of the board, indicating the file name, etc.

In addition, due to the presence of this system directly at the production site, it is easier to find the right machining program for a specific position of the boards. The Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB search carries out according to the barcode indicated in the technological route for the product.

influence of the human factor

Thus, the influence of the human factor, which is present during manual search by the operator of the program by the file name in the database, excludes.

At the stage of preparation for production, a technological route of production is important. Similarly, it is for each decimal number of a printed circuit board. Hence, it considers the requirements of the customer’s documentation and technological capabilities of production.

oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB 2021

Checking the availability of all the necessary materials

In parallel, the production representatives are checking the availability of all the necessary materials. And the tools in the warehouse of the PCB production shop for the fulfillment of each specific order. if necessary monitoring the timing of the purchase of missing materials.

The planning of the timing for the Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB carry out considering the customer’s requirements. The technological production time and the availability of the necessary materials are fundamental elements.

Track the production of Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB

This system, in addition, allows you to track the production of products in real time. And have complete information on each production order, including the consumption of material norms for each production operation, the number and causes of nonconforming products.

A significant role in the preparation of production comes by the quality service, whose specialists take part in the planning of product quality. Product quality planning includes the development of a Management Plan.

Characteristic of Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB

A “management plan” is a document that describes in detail the methods for managing each Oversize pcb manufacturing large-size PCB, including control. And measuring equipment, the scope of control, how to record its results. Furthermore, the contractor’s response plans when nonconforming products are detected.

The management plan develops individually for each position of printed circuit boards. This accompanies the order from the first to the last operation. And this allows the performers at each workplace. Furthermore, it is to have all the necessary technical requirements for products for high-quality. And timely execution of the order is also important.


Thus, quality assurance in preparation for production comes through the organization of teamwork. Similarly, it happens between representatives of different services. This makes it possible to achieve a significant reduction in the percentage of inconsistencies associated with the quality of order preparation for production.

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