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الصفحة الرئيسية/ المشاريع/ جولدن فنجر ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور

جولدن فنجر ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور

A prototype PCB’s legend assists design engineers in determining the component designators, switch settings and test points of the PCB, which are very important for assembling, testing and servicing them. While there are three separate ways to print a prototype PCB’s legend with respect to PCB assembly and production, there are more things that go into the legend. One of those things is gold plating. This article is a brief backgrounder to the gold plating PCB connector process, commonly call gold fingers.

  1. The distance between gold finger and outline should be 1.0mm.
  2. The thickness of boards must be 1.0 or above
  3. The distance of gold finger parts must be at less 30mm.
  4. As for the beveling of gold finer, Now our factory can only do 30°beveling


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