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Nguyên mẫu PCB tùy chỉnh là gì


The Basic Concept of Custom PCB Prototype

Once you have created a working design that is perfect in all attributes and features, it is important to move to the next stage. This is about developing the right electronics suitable for a specific product. Once the design is perfectly in place and has been approved by the end users, the next step is to translate the design onto the desired PCBs. There are a number of ways by which it is possible to make a Custom Design Prototype that can later be used for mass scale PCB production. They could range from techniques that are specific to prototypes or it could be the same technologies that is used for electronic manufacturing but usually that happens in a much larger scale. We will look at some other ways of customizing and creating prototype PCBs and we are sure it will be interesting and informative to those who are on the lookout for such solutions that are customer-specific and need-specific rather than being used for large scale readymade prototyping purposes.

CNC Machining for Creation of Prototype PCBs

Sử dụng gia công CNC có lẽ là một trong những công nghệ đầu tiên hữu ích cho việc tạo ra nguyên mẫu phù hợp và hình thức gia công CNC này vẫn tiếp tục được sử dụng. Tuy nhiên, có nhiều phương pháp gia công tiên tiến hơn đang được sử dụng nhưng sẽ rất đáng giá nếu bạn có hiểu biết cơ bản về thế giới hấp dẫn của gia công CNC.

Gia công CNC mặc dù đang được thay thế bởi các phương tiện gia công hiện đại khác nhưng vẫn có những ưu điểm riêng. Nó có thể hữu ích cho mục đích phay vết và cả các lỗ xảy ra trên bảng trống mạ đồng. Sau đó, chúng được sử dụng để tạo ra các PCB nguyên mẫu cần thiết. Tuy nhiên, công nghệ được sử dụng để phay PCB vẫn giống như được sử dụng để phay các bộ phận bằng nhựa, kim loại, gỗ, ... Tuy nhiên, máy CNC không giống với các máy hiện đại khác đang được sử dụng. Các máy phay này có thiết kế cụ thể sử dụng các máy xay nhỏ và nhỏ được yêu cầu cho mục đích tạo ra các vết nhỏ và phức tạp. Ngoài ra, các lỗ có đường kính nhỏ cũng có thể được tạo bằng cách sử dụng các máy CNC phay này. Chúng cực kỳ hữu ích cho mục đích tạo ra PCB.

The biggest benefit of using CNC milling machines is the speed with which they can help in creating a PCB PROTOTYPE. It is possible to create a PCB mill in a couple of few hours. However, this would depend on various factors including the size of the proposed prototype PCB. There are some prototype PCBs that are quite large in size and have quite a few complexities. They may take a few days only after which the prototype PCB is ready for shipping and delivery.


What Are the Downsides of CNC Machining for Prototypes

However, when it comes to quality there is no denying the fact that PCB milling may not be able to offer the same quality that most other modern and traditional manufactured PCBs can offer. When it comes to high quality, it has been proved time and again that the high end and sophisticated PCB mills are more suited. This is because they make use of small sized end mills. They come with the capability of replicating various trace widths that are normally available and required in PCB manufacturing. In most PCB mills that use CNC machining, it is likely that the boards or the final prototypes will most certainly have larger traces. That is perhaps the reason why PCB mills using CNC machining are not recommended for the fine-pitch SMD components.

There is also one more disadvantage of using milling PCBs for creating prototypes. They do not have the capacity to create a solder mask. Solder masks are basically coatings that are applied over most PCBs. They cover each and every area of the PCBs leaving only the contact points that is required for attaching components. Those who have PCB will find that they are green in color over the surface. This coloring is caused by solder masking. It also prevents the solder from sticking to the various parts of the board, particularly in those areas where solder is not supposed to be applied. The actually means that PCBs that are milled are not so easy to solder because they could create solder bridges and the same may lead to short circuits.

Using Advanced Circuits to Create Bare Bones PCB

We will talk about the next step and will look at bare bones PCB that is done using advanced circuits. This is basically done using a chemical etching method for producing prototypes. This is the process that is used for all types of PCB production. This method also reduces time by doing way with the application of solder mask or silkscreen as it also is referred to. It also does not go in through internal cut outs as far as PCBs are concerned. The Bare Bones approach is therefore considered to be extremely fast and many of them offer just a single days’ turnaround time when compared to a few days or even a week in case of CNC machining for the purpose of creating PCB PROTOTYPE.


Advantages It Offer

The biggest advantage is the faster delivery time as far as Advanced Circuits option is concerned. When you have huge volumes and big numbers of PCB prototypes to handle, there is no doubt that the Advanced Circuits option is much better because of obvious reasons. Speed is important to improve and hasten the product development cycles and there will not be long delays as far as prototype iterations are concerned.

This method also offer the advantage of allowing the end users to come out with smaller trace widths and also footprints that require fine pitch components.

However, there is no doubt that Bare Bones PCB prototyping has the disadvantage of solder masks. This makes soldering quite difficult and this at the end of the day could lead to higher risk of electrical failures. There have been instances of formation of solder bridges, accidentally.

The Final Word

The above are the two main types when it comes to making the right PCB PROTOTYPE. There are also some other methods that could be tried out. The above two have their own pros and cons and at the end of the day, the users are the best persons to decide as to which the best option is taking into account exact requirements and needs.

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